How To Stop Thinking About Alcohol: Getting Free From Drinking Urges

Thinking about drinking

I don’t think everything we do has to be “good for you.” Neither should everything we do lead us down a fiery path of ruination. Lately, I’m more than content with a few fingers of bourbon followed by a drink without alcohol. And, when I indulge, it’s still with the guardrails on.

Thinking about drinking

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All you’re doing is adding more toxins to your body that’s already working overtime to clean out the alcohol you’ve already consumed. If a recent doctor’s appointment told you that your liver is in good shape, don’t think that’s a free excuse to drink heavily. In fact, drinking can affect other parts of your body as well. This includes your heart, blood pressure, kidneys and mental health. Common alcohol withdrawal symptoms can include nausea, shaking, and sweating—which can be unpleasant or even dangerous. In order to how to survive summer parties and boozy bbqs quit drinking, you may need proper medical support to detox safely.

Benefits of mindful drinking

«It was squashing and interfering with my experience. And it created a numbness around me and inside of me—even when I wasn’t drinking.» Habitually relying on alcohol for anxiety reduction also gets in the way of developing other ways to cope. I suspect I would have learned the value of healthy stress management years sooner if I hadn’t been in the habit of finding relief in a bottle. Taken together, the net effect of consuming alcohol generally is greater anxiety overall.

Know When to Stop Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol is appealing as a sleep aid because it’s sedating and can help with falling asleep. However, it’s terrible for sleep overall, particularly in the second half of the night. I can’t count the number of times I woke up in the middle of the night hot, restless, and uncomfortable after having a few drinks. I recently spoke with Laura McKowen on the Think Act Be podcast about her own journey to sobriety, which she describes in her lovely memoir, We Are the Luckiest. McKowen emphasized that the benefits we think we get from drinking typically don’t match the reality. «I feel like we’ve all been duped because most of those ‘benefits’ are kind of a lie,» she said.

I wasn’t a free-spirited man about town; I was an unscrupulous lothario and a wretch. As a young teen, I abhorred drinking, pledging to be sober for life — a reaction to my father, to be sure. I discovered drinking at parties in high school, and when the party was over, I’d ride around the block with my friends looking for low-lit cul-de-sacs where we’d drink more, smoke pot, and do psychedelics.

Thinking about drinking

  • This is often known as “mindfulness.” Mindfulness practice comes in many forms, but what each of them have in common is that they train you to observe your thoughts without fully engaging with them or believing them.
  • And while it may seem harmless to live by some of these “tips,” some of these alcohol myths can put your health at risk.
  • It doesn’t sound fun, but answering these detailed questions about how drinking is affecting your life can help you realize you might need to make some changes.
  • Of course we recommend giving our product Sunnyside a try if you’re interested in drinking more mindfully (it offers a lot more than just tracking), but a simple, free way to start drinking mindfully is to just start tracking your drinks.
  • For the same reasons why you shouldn’t mix alcohol with caffeine, this energy-drink combo can also cause masked intoxication — which can lead to consumption of more alcohol than your body can handle.

When it comes to alcohol, the line between fiction and fact is often blurry. Whether it’s at a party with friends or through pop culture references, there are quite a few things about drinking alcohol that get misconstrued. Another essential element of your plan to quit drinking is to identify the barriers or obstacles that might make achieving your goals more difficult. Sunnyside is the leading alcohol health platform focused on moderation and mindfulness, not sobriety. On average, members see a 30% reduction in alcohol consumption in 3 months, leading to improved sleep, diet, and overall wellbeing.

Thinking about drinking

You’re constantly thinking about your next drink.

  • The content of Rethinking Drinking draws largely from the results of major NIAAA population studies and clinical trials.
  • There were so many evenings when my half-hearted resolution to stop drinking would end with the thought, «Tonight will be better if I pick up some beer or wine on my way home.»
  • Ultimately, your drinking choices are just that – your choices.
  • If you’ve been going into the night planning to have one drink but end up having much more than you intended, that could be a sign that you didn’t feel entirely in control over your alcohol consumption, Dr. Specker says.

The trouble is that it’s difficult to assess your own drinking habits to know when you have crossed the line into riskier drinking behavior. Without spending time looking at our own drinking patterns, learning what a real drinking problem is, or knowing how to recognize the «red flags», you could find yourself with a real problem, and not know where to go for help. When I woke up the day after a drinking bout, I felt a constant and abiding shame. There were other times I just stuck my toe in with a text reading, “Good times.” But they weren’t always good times, and often I was terrified of my friends’ possible responses. Perhaps that compounded my need to drink, explaining why one drunken night was likely followed by another. (You can see the flawed logic in that pursuit.) I would sometimes be drunk for the stretch of a week.

Thinking about drinking

But not everyone conforms to that model and, well, I want to be well, wellness aside. There are plenty of people who don’t drink for a variety of reasons, and many of us who question our relationship with alcohol might not need to join a group in a church basement or phone a friend when we’re out on the town. For those of us in the gray areas, mindful drinking might be just what we need. If you start to worry about how much you’re drinking and how it’s affecting your life, then that’s another pretty good sign that something isn’t right.

  • We recognize that everyone has their own goals and objections, and we support them all.
  • According to Bazilian, mindful drinking can result in more energy for exercise, better sleep, a better heightened immune system, and a feeling of confidence from being in control of your decisions.

«I never put together that my anxiety was related to the drinking,» said McKowen. Even a modest amount of alcohol can lead to a restless night. NIAAA sponsors research in grantee institutions throughout the United States and conducts studies in its own laboratories. Scientists explore the full range of alcohol’s effects, starting at the sub-cellular level and expanding through organ systems, individuals across the life span, communities, and the population at large. Visit the news section of the NIAAA website for a sampling of NIAAA-supported research advances, as well as NIAAA Spectrum, NIAAA’s webzine, for feature articles and news updates about NIAAA and the alcohol research field.

«It’s such an assumed part of our culture,» said McKowen. «It’s everywhere—not just drinking, but overdrinking. It’s assumed that it belongs in every celebration, social experience, date, dinner. So we don’t even question it most of the time.» In addition to the physiological effects, the fallout from drinking is a stress of its own. «The things that happen when you’re drinking often cause anxiety,» said McKowen.

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